The Affordable and Sustainable Patient Access to Personalised Medicine Innovation Working Group

Patient access to innovative PM technology varies dramatically between and within EU Member States. If the potential of PM is to be realised, changes will be necessary in the way medicines are developed, regulated, assessed (HTA) and paid for.

It is necessary to make policymakers and payers realise that investing now in these advanced therapies and technologies, as well as in adequate regulatory and payer decision making frameworks, will be a key pre-requisite to seeing the full potential of PM in terms of improved patient outcomes and more efficient health care systems.

All relevant stakeholders, from industry (SMEs and larger companies) to regulators, payers, policymakers and patients need to be actively involved in these conversations in order to reach consensus on the best solutions to ensure that patients, healthcare systems and society can optimally benefit from PM technology and services.

Necessary steps to improve the situation: 

  • Better coordination and collaboration models between stakeholders and decision makers and across countries to more sophisticated pricing, reimbursement and funding mechanisms
  • Effective forms of utilisation management to address the inherent complexity of PM technologies and services.

For more information on the activities and events of this initiative, please contact Denis Horgan, Executive Director

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